Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mr. Lookout

Buster spends most of his time sitting on his bed staring at the door. It is unclear who or what he is waiting for, but whatever he is doing, at the very least, I have to commend him on his commitment to the task. For the most part I think he is driven by his ever hopefulness that food will be delivered soon. Occassionally though, he'll mix it up a bit and stand guard over his favorite place in the apartment--the place where the treats are kept.

1 comment:

Lisa Meltzer said...

Lebowski has developed this weird habit which is triggered when I am really busy. If my attention has been directed away from him for too long, he will walk into the bathroom next to my office and either stare intently at the toilet or bark and whine at the bar of soap in the bathtub. Because I find this so disturbing, it generally causes me to get up and pay attention to him, which I fear is encouraging this strange behavior.

I don't know why the toilet and the soap are the next objects he appeals to when I have ignored him for too long, but I strongly suspect this is some form of scathing doggy sarcasm.