Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mr. Lookout Take Two

Out of nowhere a few months ago Buster finally noticed that we had a sliding glass door in the apartment. So I don't think it's entirely unfair to say he isn't exactly observant, but perhaps in the end the joke is on me. I also thought he was deaf for the first few months that I had him. Turns out he is just really good at pretending I'm not there. Anyhow, once he finally did notice that there was a huge glass door, neither hell nor high water could have dragged him away. He stood there staring out for a good 10 minutes. And when I tell you nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing was out there I am not remotely exaggerating. And yet, you never would have guessed by looking at him....

1 comment:

Lisa Meltzer said...

Reminds me of when Lebowski was a puppy and he discovered his reflection. He would stand in the kitchen barking furiously at the dog in our oven.